
commission info

Commission status: OPEN

about me

Hello! I'm Taya !

When it's illustration or rigging, you've come to the right place! I have years of experience in both Live2d rigging and illustration !

General Terms of Service

  • I have the right to refuse service under any circumstance.

  • I WILL NOT draw racist, offensive and/or controversial artwork, graphic fetishes and/or pornographic material.

  • Payments must be paid UPFRONT. Orders over $300 may be paid with a 50% initial payment.

  • Payments are done through Paypal invoice

  • Please allow 2-6 weeks of working time as personal things may occur. Ask for an update on your order whenever you need!

  • I only allow refunds if work on your order has not yet started.

  • If the artwork is intended for commercial purposes, please indicate this in your order. Further discussion about commercial use will be made.

all things live2d

Live2d Models

in a model, there is

  • Completely layered model that's ready for rigging

  • Additional parts can be also added!

VTube Model Pricing List
prices may vary per project


Simple Type

this type is recommended for models with a simpler design/vibe.

Complex Type

this type is recommended for all-out and very detailed models.

Live2d Rigging

in a rig there is

  • Completely rigged model , ready to be used!

  • Additional parts can be also added!

Full-Body Rigging

Head AnglesLimited40°60°
Torso MovementSimpleXYZXYZ+
Lower Body MovementSimpleSimple step + Hip ZDynamic Step + Hip XYZ
Eye MovementBasic bounceMore bounceMost complex
Toggle TransitionFadeSimple movementDynamic movement
Prices $450$500$650

Half-Body Rigging

Head AnglesLimited40°60°
Torso MovementSimpleXYZXYZ+
Lower Body Movement---
Eye MovementBasic bounceMore bounceMost complex
Toggle TransitionFadeSimple movementDynamic movement
Prices $250$300$450

** These prices are base prices. A complexity fee will be added if the model is complex.

Additional Rigs

Additional ItemsBasic
Clothing Set*depends on model
If not listed Please send a DM!

** These prices are base prices. If the model's additional sets are complex. a fee will be added. If the client wishes for an advanced rig, please send a message!

Quote calculator coming soon!

VTuber Showcase


Full/ Half-Body